
Anja found yoga during a period of burnout while working in the corporate world. Through regular practice, she realised that life’s daily stressors became more manageable and she was hooked!

Trained in Vinyasa, Hatha and Yin yoga, she is on a continuous journey to expand both her practice and teachings. 

As a guide, Anja is passionate about sharing the benefits that yoga brings to everyday life, not just on the mat. 

Whether that’s becoming more aware of your thoughts and breathing patterns, building on strength and flexibility or simply making space in your day for yourself. 

Anja’s intention in class is to create an inspiring space to move, breathe and feel. Through the wisdom of Yoga, she offers an opportunity to find joy, and reconnect with how amazing you truly are! Wherever you are on your yoga journey, you’ll feel supported and encouraged to find a little more calm between the busy-ness of life. 

Now at a place of balance between corporate work and as a yoga teacher, when she’s not working you’ll find Anja searching for her next adventure… exploring outdoors or travelling to new places! 



